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Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11)

Half Term 5: 28th April - 1st June

Please see below for links and resources to the homeschool lessons for the 5 week block. The lessons and worksheets will be added to this page shortly after the live lesson time for that week. There will also be a written assessment that you can take at the end of all 4 lessons to check that any progress has been made as well as highlight any areas that need a little more work. Please note that written assessments are not the only way to assess progress and if these are not right for your child then do not feel that your child has to complete this.


The written assessments I produce have been designed to best prepare your child for GCSE exams though and marks schemes will be provided with them.


You can join the class for the whole half term for £19. This will include the 4 lessons below and an end of half term assessment. Once you have ordered, I will add you to the class and you will have access to all the Desmos activities along with the feedback I give to your children as they complete the tasks. Note that each lesson resources will become available on the day of the live lesson but will be available even after this date, just like the catch up videos. You will need to sign into YouTube and Desmos using the email address you register with me to be able to access everything.



(NOTE: All links below, will be made active  during the week of each lesson)

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Live Lesson Time: Fridays, 2:15PM


Live Lesson - Full support package (Half Term 1B)

Lesson Recording and Worksheet only Package
(You can choose any half term package and will be emailed to confirm which one you want)



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HALF-TERM 5 - Decimals and Percentages
Week 1 (Fri 28th Apr) - Rounding and Estimating
Week 2 - (Fri 5th May) - Working with Decimals
Week 3 - (Fri 12th May) - Finding Percentages
Week 4 - (Fri 19th May) - Decimals, Percentages and Fractions
Week 5 - (Fri 26th May - Decimals and Percentages Assessment
Week 1 (Fri 3rd Mar) - The Data Handling Cycle
Week 2 - (Fri 10th Mar) - 'The Cube' - Using Averages
Week 3 - (Fri 17th Mar) - Charts and Graphs
Week 4 - (Fri 24th Mar) - Investigating Endangered Animals
Week 5 - (Fri 31st Mar) - Data Handling Assessment
Week 1 (Fri 13th Jan) - Folding Fractions
Week 2 - (Fri 20th Jan) - Using Fractions and the Bar Model
Week 3 - (Fri 27th Jan) - Understanding Equivalent Fractions
Week 4 - (Fri 3rd Feb) - Adding Fractions and Problem Solving 
Week 5 - (Fri 10th Feb) - Number and Fractions Assessment
Week 1 (Fri 11th Nov) - Shapes and their Properties
Week 2 - (Fri 18th Nov) - The Measurement Scavenger Hunt!
Week 3 - (Fri 25th Nov) - Area and Perimeter
Week 4 - (Fri 2nd Dec) - Problem-Solving with Shape and Measurement
Week 5 - (Fri 9th Dec) -  Alegbra Assessment
Week 1 (FRI 16th Sep) - Addition & Subtraction - Finding the Right Method
Week 2 - Multiplication - What it is and how to do it!
Week 3 - Division - Using division to solve problems
Week 4 - Problem Solving with all 4 Operations 
Week 5 - Mixed Arithmetic Assessment
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